Wednesday, February 10, 2010

fasting on a cruise (or farting on a curse)

Why is it we are body specific when we "take a break" or vacation? For instance, we go skiing and free our minds and bodies from our daily grinds. We go to spas to relax our muscles and mentally "check out" from our work-a-day lives. Howzabout, we give our digestive tracts a break and let our brains think less about planning, preparing and chewing foodstuffs? How much time do we spend pursuing the epicurean pursuits? For an answer: look here or ; journal your time; or look and click here;or make a guess. Let's say you spend an hour per day doing these things and two hours digesting. No vacationing for your teeth, your stomach and your, ugh colon (and crap.) What if we give peristalsis a temporary rest?
I propose a fools task for myself. Being an April 1st guy and an admirer of Percival it will not be a stretch to follow folly. I will soon be on a boat, in a world where pizza is always available, "A place where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano" ... a little place called "cruiseship planet."
I, with the help of semi-public journaling will: put my nose up to cattle calls; fatty feasts and flatulence; bulging baggy bottoms and "Mercia" abundance. I hereby declare for all of my loyal follower (thanks ma) to blog and twitter my way to a juice and salad diet whilst surrounded by a smorgasbord of smakerals. Can this be done? Should this be done? Will I do it or will I cave to the pressures of "the normal"? Standby (you can sit Ma) for more installments of "pleasure delayer" or "torture depravator- the movie".....

1 comment:

semi-savant said...

btw: unable/unwilling to "fast" on this slow cruise. I sipped from the chocolate fountain from southern Cali to Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Cabo and up the coast. oopsie